Summer Regionals 2024
Sheepgate host the Summer Regionals...
We are delighted to be holding this major championship at Sheepgate and follow your journey to hopefully qualify for the Summer Nationals…
Our BD show, 11th & 12th July 204, makes for the perfect warm-up opportunity for the Regionals commencing on the 13th July through to the 15th.
Competition and warm-up arenas with high quality surfaces…
Not forgetting Sheepgate Tack & Togs being on-site too!
Arena Walks
Familiarise yourself with the arenas before your competition to give your horse/s a confident experience…
Times allocated after close of entries.
On-site stabling, offering permanent and temporary stable types to suit your horses.
Booked with your entries on a first come, first serve basis.
Check you're eligible to enter...
Requirements for Silver & Gold sections needed at the relevant levels.
Points gained depending on the percentage as shown in the table.
Please note, percentage must be the minimum requirement to count towards being eligible.
How to Enter
All entries are made through My Riding Life where you can also enter the British Dressage standard show which is running prior to the Regionals event…

Don't miss the Regionals entry deadline
Entries close 29th June 2024